What Complications Can Occur Through The Plastic Surgery?

No surgery is without risk. Even with the greatest care can occur during or after surgery complications.

During the operation, it can cause heavy bleeding and major blood loss, which makes a blood transfusion. However, this is very rare. Also extremely rare, can occur in blood transfusions for the transmission of pathogens, such as the HIV virus (HIV) or hepatitis viruses (liver inflammation). To avoid the risk of infection, please discuss with your doctor whether autologous blood donation is possible and useful.

In rare cases can cause pressure on nerves and soft tissue damage. They are usually within a few weeks back.

After the Surgery Can Cause The Following Complications:

Greater Blood Loss (it is also necessary for blood transfusions after surgery a few days)

Large Fluid Loss , which can be compensated by the administration of infusions

Bleeding , even several days after surgery (postoperative bleeding usually formed within a few weeks back automatically)

Hematomas are relatively common. These are formed in self-rule within a few weeks back

Numbness can be set by damage to nerves. Within a few months, it is normally for full recovery of sensation of the skin. In exceptional cases, numbness may remain.

Swelling in the area of operations. In particular in those first three days after the operation, it operated in the area come to Swelling, pain which can lead to stress. Sometimes it may take longer (up to half a year) until the swelling has receded completely. The compression garments that you will wear after surgery for approximately 6 weeks helps to reduce the swelling.

Circulatory is rare. It may then come to the training of wide scars that may require a corrective surgery to achieve an optimal visual result.

The Severity of Scarring is from patient to patient, by design differently. With an appropriate assessment can bulging, thick, discolored and painful scars (keloids). Such scars sometimes require a corrective surgery.

Blood Clots (Thrombi) are rare but may lead to blockage of a blood vessel, which can be life threatening (eg, pulmonary embolism) and can lead to death. Smoking, and taking the contraceptive pill (contraceptive) are factors that favor the formation of thrombi.

Hypersensitivity Reaction to drugs or medications can cause nausea, itching or skin rash. In rare cases it can also lead to life-threatening allergic reactions that can sometimes leave permanent damage.

Contour Irregularities can occur due to internal scarring. This can lead to single or multiple adjacent skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue recoveries from what looks like a corrugated pattern. Here is a post-correction is necessary to achieve an optimal visual result.

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