Egg Donors Linxa - The Egg Donor Process

Egg Donors Linxa - The Egg Donor Process

Egg donation is the process of a young woman giving her eggs to an infertile couple that desires to have children. This donation is part of third party reproduction, in which a pregnancy is the goal by in vitro fertilization.

An egg donor may be motivated by a number of reasons to donate her eggs. Some egg donors may feel that by donating they provide a benefit for another couple. Others may be helping an infertile couple that they know or decide to donate from another infertility experience. Some donors are attracted to the monetary compensation.

Women that are infertile may need an egg donor for any number of reasons. Infertile couples may need an egg donor because the female partner cannot have biological children due to her eggs being unfertile. Another problem which may cause couples to seek out an egg donor would be a genetic disorder that the couple does not wish to pass on to their child. Or the female partner may simply be past her child-bearing years and is unable to conceive because of menopause or age-related factors.

Couples can recruit a donor that they know or use an anonymous donor. Couples can also choose an egg donor through a database with pictures, personality information, and a family medical history about the donor. All egg donors are extensively screened for a healthy medical history, and even recruited for potential characteristics such as a high IQ, college education, musical or athletic ability, and beauty. Some donors can gain higher monetary compensation for their services due to their exceptional abilities, some clinics even givie exceptional donors the ability to choose their price (up to $15,000) for their time and effort (particularly for ethnic donors that are in high demand). Higher monetary compensation is very common in states such as California, Arizona, and east coast states where Ivy League schools are present.

Once the egg donor is accepted into the program (after doctor tests and a psychological exam), she undergoes the in vitro fertilization stimulation therapy. The IVF stimulation involves daily injections of fertility drugs to boost the production of the donor’s eggs. After several weeks of injections and doctor appointments, the final step for the donor is the egg retrieval procedure. The procedure involves retrieval through a needle inserted through the vaginal while the donor is sedated. After egg retrieval, the ova are fertilized by the sperm of the male partner in the laboratory, and after several days, the resulting embryo(s) is placed in the uterus of the female recipient. During this time, the donor and the recipient have been prepared for the embryo transfer. The female recipient will hopefully conceive and carry that baby to term. The recipients will raise the child as their own.

Since the inception of IVF treatments, egg donor recipients often have a 50% chance of success. Personal factors may affect the treatment, but success has been known by women of all ages and conditions. The oldest woman to give birth by egg donation was 66 years old. With advanced technology, fertility services can help many infertile couples conceive through an egg donor.
Egg Donors Linxa The Egg Donor Process.

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